Sunday, July 12, 2009


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1.   Jewish figures: Statistical Abstract of Israel, no. 23 (1972), p.23—as cited in

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2. non-Jewish/Palestinian Arab figures: J. Abu-Lughod, The Demographic Transformation of Palestine—as cited in I. Abu-Lughod, The Transformation of Palestine, North Western University Press, 1971, p.139-163—as cited in A.Shama & M. Iris, Immigration without Integration: 3rd World Jews in Israel, Massachusetts: Schenkman, 1977.

3. Encyclopaedia Britannica 11th Edition (1910-11). Cambridge University Press.

4. Palestine: Royal Commission (1937).

5. Report on the Tour of Investigation in Palestine in 1925. League of Nations. Health Organization, Malaria Commission.(1925). Geneva.

6. The Jewish Agency, Immigration Information Departments, 16 years of immigration to Israel (1964). Jerusalem—as cited in A.Shama & M. Iris, Immigration without Integration: 3rd World Jews in Israel, Massachusetts: Schenkman, 1977.

7. McCarthy, Justin, The Population of Palestine: Population Statistics of the late Ottoman Period and the Mandate, Columbia University Press, 1990.

8.       Israel Central Bureau of Statistics 1989 p. 78 and p. 701—as cited in UN Population and Demographics in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip until 1990 by W. Ennab UNCTAD (24 June 1994).

9.       Israel Central Bureau of Statistics

10.    Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) Demography of the Palestinian Population in the West Bank and Gaza Strip—as cited in UN Special Coordinator of the Occupied Territories. Second Quarterly Report on the Economic and Social Conditions of the West Bank and Gaza Strip by C. Gharekhan (1 April 1997).

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        May 2001, USA,

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